Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh the irony..

16 years ago today, I moved to Charlotte, North Carolina.

16 years later to the day, I got a call from my realtor:

"hey girl, it's Sophia... gimme a call, i got an offer on your place..."

Not really "ironic" at all but it does bring forth a scratch the chin moment though, doesn't it? I mean, this is it. This is the moment I've been waiting on since putting my condo on the market in February! Now I can finally move back to Miami, & it's because of this that I believe it to be ironic that I'd receive such news on the day I dreaded leaving in the first place.

...And now i'm dreading making this decision altogether. For there is uncertainty looming and it has been since I got back from my last trip to Miami.

So now what?!

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